Thursday, October 8, 2015

How Rejection Affects Your Body And Mind

When people experience rejection from a romantic relationship or an approach, it can actually trigger the same responses in the brain and body as if withdrawing from a drug addiction. MRI studies demonstrate that the mind's reaction to rejection is the same as its reaction to physical torment/pain. But the difference is rejection leaves a long term scar in the mind which actually stops men from approaching altogether. Lots of men even freeze when they go near women (this is an unconscious process).
 Humans were created to live in a pack. It is not surprising that we have evolved this pain response. In tests ,when requested to recall the instances of rejection l individuals scored worse on IQ tests, memory tests, and choice making tests. Which in itself may clarify a ton of poor responses to rejection. So, be kind to people how you reject people. You have the right to reject, but don't scar the person for life.

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