Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Do Not Overestimate Your Sexual Power, Men

Lot of men, think they can go six times a night, every night. They do this to prove to their women that they are sexually very "powerful". This is simply not true. Even if they are able to using some male enhancement pill, this is very bad for your prostate health. Because it takes your body 48 hours to create the semen once you empty your prostate. So, if you empty it one night, the next night your semen is not going to be that potent. Lot of women pressure their men to go every night. This is not good in the long run. Just wait 48 hours . Otherwise, he might become impotent altogether.
Sperm counts increase if you wait a few days. In a particular night, the first ejaculation is going to have more sperm count than every subsequent ejaculation. It gradually decreases.
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Your Mind Stores Everything

Even though you can't recall everything, every past thought of you, every incident related to you is stored in your mind. Research showed that under hypnosis, people can recall every single bit of information.

Why You Can't Get Up From Bed In The Morning

Lot of us have hard time getting up from bed in the morning. Even the people who do get up early in the morning, have to force themselves out of the bed. This is purely psychological. Most of us have so much negative thoughts in our mind, so much discomfort associated with work and tasks that we have to accomplish,our mind simply rejects those things. If the mind feel uncomfortable with something it avoids it. So, in the morning the mind and the body tries to avoid the negativeness and the discomfort. That is why it somewhat freezes and doesn't want to move at that point. On the other, hand if your thoughts are positive and if work, tasks give you fun, your mind should be refreshed in the morning, after sleep. So make sure all of your thoughts are positive and make yourself think working and undertaking new tasks is  fun. Reprogram your mind to think this way.

Think if you heard the news of winning a million dollar, you would be so excited, you wouldn't have problem getting up early from the bed. what I do is, I start to watch my favorite show in the morning. The point is you have to think of something exciting or fun to do to get yourself out of bed.

Another reason people feel too tired to get up or that the sleep was not enough is because they don't get enough sunlight and that messes up their circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is responsible for our sleep cycle. So, if you suspect that is the case try  taking melatonin pill one hour before you want to go to sleep or get enough sunlight to fix your circadian rhythm.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Media Does Not Publish What People Do Not Want To Hear.

In a capitalistic society it is not the mass media which manipulate opinion, but mass opinion which manipulates the media because the media is afraid to publish what people won't buy. They don't publish anything that goes against popular belief. They always have to present things in a way that is acceptable to people even if they are not true. They always have to worry about their "popularity".

How Much Sex Married People Have

The average frequency of coitus after ten years of marriage in the United States  is about twice a week.

Nature Of Relationship

Every relationship is fundamentally a power struggle.