Sunday, November 29, 2015

How To Balance Physical Energy

Make sure you are burning as much energy as you are saving by resting in your body. If you don't burn enough energy, your rest won't be completed. You might be fatigued if you don't do this because your energy would be out of whack.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Which Part Of Brain Is Used When A Man Hears The Female Voice

Some suggest when a man listens to the female voice the music part of the brain is used. Others suggest when a man listen to the female voice the sex part of the brain. Lord, I hope it's the sex part!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Too Much Knowledge Can Also Create A Big Ego

If you are too knowledgeable, that can also give you a big ego. Gaining knowledge, skill can give you sense of achievement. You may condescend to people without realizing. 

Almost Got In Trouble!

I saw this bombshell at a place in Manhattan. I approached her, asked her, "What's your name? She replied with "I am girlfriend of him" pointing to  a burly man. The muscular man was not looking at us. So I went up to him and asked, "What protein do you take to build such good muscles?", to divert the attention of the girl so that the girl won't say anything to him.  I knew he used some hormone or steroid to look like that. To save his face he said, "Chicken". So, the girl thought we were discussing something important.  I got in no trouble!Nothing bad happened. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Mind Cannot Work On More Than One Variable

Our mind cannot solve more than one problem at a time. That is why when we write  or type, we make many mistakes because our mind is busy solving many problems. So, it cannot always focus on the writing or typing. It has to come back to the writing, unless it is our second nature. This applies everywhere in life. That is why "To err is human" is used so much. 

Women Have More Fat

According to some researches, women have more body fat percentage than men. There are biological factors that cause this. Here is a supporting article.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It Might Not Be Justified In Your Mind

Sometimes you might have strong feelings for someone, you might be in love with someone, but your might not be able to justify to yourself to move forward with that person. It happens all the time.

You Have To Memorize It

Finding dating advice or reading materials is not the problem, the problem is internalizing them. You have to memorize them and make them your second nature. You can voice record the advice and listen to them ritualistically.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

False Pattern Recognition

Our mind has something called the "false pattern recognition". It is when we see a similar thing but don't understand the difference. For example, when we see a guy who resembles his brother a lot and can't tell the difference. Or when you see a person that looks a lot like a person you know and you think you are seeing the person you know.  Also, when you don't notice a new dent on your car because you are so used to see your car. Recognizing pattern is one of our best abilities, but it can be disadvantageous sometimes because your mind automatically avoids the information that's not in its pattern or patterns.We see with our brains, not our eyes, and what we see depends on context, pattern recognition. 

My Newly Wed Friend

So, my friend got married couple of month ago in my country. He came back to the states a while ago. After I saw him, after coming back to the states, the first thing I asked him was,"Are you still a virgin?" He took it well. We did a mock fighting about it.He looks happier now even though he said in the beginning he's in the "prison" now. This is a dating story because his player days are over. 

People With Depression Don't Observe Time Accurately

People with depression don't observe time correctly. For example, a person with depression might always have problem giving assignment on time or follow particular schedule. They always feel like there isn't enough time to do all the tasks. They can't use their time productively.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Meanness Kills Attraction

Always remember meanness kills attraction.

Do Not Hurt A Member Of The Other Sex

When you hurt a member of the other sex AKA the opposite sex, hatred gets created in that person. The person gets damaged. When that person meets a member of your sex, that person can't trust the new person. A transference occurs. You may think you win by hurting the person, but what you are doing is transferring the mental damage to a member of your own sex.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Why People Suspect It's Always Sex

 I made friend with a woman of whom people think as "crazy" because no one else would be friend with her. I felt bad for her because she was somewhat ostracized. Because I was nice with her she used to like me as a friend in the beginning. My date, mom everyone told me to be careful with her. It used to annoy me when people used to say "Be careful" of her because what they meant was I wouldn't have control over me if she attempted to have sex with me. This is the part annoyed me the most because I was never sexually attracted to her. She is older than me, so there might be a reason for her to want me.  But I stayed friend with her risking my sexual reputation because she used to be nice to me, because she is very honest, because she is a good person. She over apologizes to people. She is the kind of person of whom people take advantage of. I myself thought of taking advantage of her, not sexually. She does what people ask her. She overworks. She overdoes everything. Her work ethic is very high. She tried to get my attention many times, but I avoided those attempts. Ignored her attempts. But the worst happened, she cockblocked a young girl when the girl came on to me. She told her, "Don't be with him, he's a player". That hurt me. After all, I tolerated her crazy behaviors and kept her as a friend risking my reputation. After ten years, she should've realized that I don't want her sexually, and she has no right to be possessive about me. The girl who came on to me was very young and pretty. The girl stopped talking to me after the lady told her that I am a player. After that. I limited my interactions with the lady. Just did initial greetings. This is a message to the people who thought that I can't control myself, I can pull the plug when I need to. You have no right to judge me. Sometimes people can make another friend for truly altruistic reason which is a foreign concept to you. I have many men friends who are ostracized. You owe me an apology. The people who tried to stop me from being friends with her, insinuated that I had something sexual going on with her, what do you think now? I am sorry to say this, this actually is a projection on your part. 

What Does It Mean When You Can't Do Something

When you can't do something, it means your unconscious mind can't resolve an issue related to that and that problem/issue is not letting your conscious mind do it or move forward. Your unconscious mind decides for you, whether to avoid it or to move forward. If you want to solve a problem bring it to your conscious mind. Will power does not solve everything. This doesn't mean there are not other reasons for you to not to do it.

You Can't Be Confident Overnight

You always hear people say "Be Confident", but unless you see success it is not going to be automatic. If you don't see success, you always have to either will it or fake it. If you don't see success in your doing, if your deep seated  issues are not gone from your mind, you will never be really confident. One way is to see the positive side of something that happen to you. For example, if you miss a day from your work, you can think this either as losing money, or having some time to do something productive. Learn how to be successful first, confidence will follow.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Men Have To Be In Love To Be Jealous

One of the biggest mistake women make is they try to make men jealous by flirting with others. They would only be jealous if they are in love with you. You can't make the men fall in love with you by creating jealousy, because men don't get jealous unless they are in love. And it comes automatically, you can' create it in them. It has to come from them, without you creating it. You can use it to see if they are in love with you, but not to create love with it.

Stop Spectatoring

Stop worrying during sex.
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Never Worry About What Others Might Think Of You

Never worry what others might think of you and never act thinking that you need to please people based on their thinking. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Make Things Happen

If something doesn't happen to you once, your mind automatically assumes, it doesn't happen to you. If there is no precedence, your mind doesn't have a "frame of reference". It can't make it happen automatically. On the other hand, if you can make it happen once, you can make it happen all the time in the future. If it happens once, then it becomes part of your paradigm. But it has to take place once, Otherwise, the mind get stuck and makes same things happen again and again for you. A related quote: "Everything seems impossible until someone makes it happen"---Nelson Mandela.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sex Addicts Anonymous

For those who seriously experience problems with controlling their masturbation habits, there are programs such as Sex Addicts Anonymous that may prove helpful. 
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Do Not Self Stigmatize

Do not think of  yourself negatively. If you start to believe something negative about yourself, it becomes your reality. This the worst thing you can do to yourself. I will write about how to remove self limiting negative beliefs here in future.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why People Are Disagreeable

Discontent makes people disagreeable. It's an unconscious psychological process.

Don't Tell Too Soon

One day I went to a bar in Manhattan, and I started talking to this beautiful girl. I didn't buy her a drink or anything, but we just kept talking. We asked each other our whereabouts. At some point she asked me, "Why are you at this bar  if you live in another borough, why you didn't go to a bar close to your place?" Without realizing her question, why she asked it, I blurted out "So that the girl won't find out where I live and won't be able stalk me after I have sex with her and after I end it". The girl laughed and said, "Well, you are not doing that to me, I am not that type of girl". She knew that I just wanted an  one-night-stand.

Now, I shared this story because there are two lessons to learn from here. One, never reveal your intention too soon. Second is, I thought I could reveal it to her because I thought she didn't want me. One the other hand, if I thought she wanted me and I could get some with her, I wouldn't end up telling her my intention accidentally. Never think the girl wouldn't want you, or that you are not good enough to get some.
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Why Someone Would Leave You

Only reason someone would leave is because if that person think you are not going to change or if you are not changeable. 

Learn Sexual Control

You should learn to control your sexual energy.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't Be An Introvert

Being introvert keeps you from having a social life. It makes you sedentary. Sedentary lifestyle is not good for your mental health and physical health. Not having a social life limits your dating life. 
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Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Good Quote From Susan Jeffers

Susan Jeffers in her book "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" says : "Try to go one week without complaining or badmouthing others". I think this is hard for most of us, including me. 
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People Might Not Realize Their Addiction

Lots of people don't realize that they are addicted to something, such as sex, books, television, money, computer, etc. Take time and think what are you addicted to. It takes time to realize your own addiction.Everything is good in moderation. For example, most people are addicted to power, and they don't even realize it. 
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Negative Aspects Of Excessive Masturbation In Men

Excessive masturbation can cause the body run hormones that are bad for you physical and mental health. Eventually this can cause fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, blurred vision, et. Even though masturbation has some good sides, don't overdo it. For more click here.
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One Of The Biggest Reason For Sleeplessness In Men

High testosterone level may cause depression which may eventually cause sleeplessness in men. For more click here.
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No Statement Is 100% Complete

Some sage said, "No statement is 100% complete, including this one. All statements are partially true".
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Signs Of Clinical Depression

Signs of depression. You probably have depression or anxiety disorder  if you have the following symptoms:
1. Everything seems hard for you whereas everyone else can do those stuff effortlessly.
2. Everything is blurry to you. People's speech, movies, music. You experience these things but few seconds later you can't recall what is said.
3. If you can't remember what happened few seconds earlier. For example, if you can't remember all the items after eating at a buffet.
4. If you are blamed all the time, for not being able to finish the work.
5. If you don't feel like doing anything, lack of motivation. 
6. Sex is not as pleasurable as before or as it should be. 
7. If your performance is always low. 
8. If you say stuff and if it always out of place. 
9. If you feel like people are always finding flaws in you or are always blaming you.
10. If your stuff are not together.
I think this article would be helpful if you want to find out more about depression.

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It Is Not Constant

Love is not constant. The person you love today, might be hated by you tomorrow. The level of love varies, even for the same person, day to day.
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