Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Women Talking Pattern, Men Talking Pattern

Excerpt from the book, "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps": "The multi-tracking ability [of talking] is frustrating for a man as the male brain is mono-tracked and can only handle one subject at a time. When a group of women are multi-tracking several subjects, men can become completely dazed and confused." Basically, this means that the man brain is not wired to jump from topic to topic, but the woman brain is. When women talk and jump from topic to topic and go to another topic suddenly, it frustrates men.

We Don't Approach Because We Sex Shame Ourselves And The Society Also Sex Shames Us

Most of the time when we don't make our move, it's usually because we fear society's sex shaming. We really don't want to be seen as the person who's making the sexual advance. So, don't try to make it look like only the member of the other sex, aka "the opposite sex"(I don't believe in the term "opposite sex", male and female are not "opposite"), is making the advance when you are equally responsible. If you do that, you are the one really doing the sex shaming to save yourself from being shamed. Your only way of looking good is to blame preemptively. Remember, both sides are always sex shamed. Why broach these matters? Because we do those unconsciously without realizing, both sex shaming and not making the move.

This really means we don't to want accept ourselves that we are attracted to random people because doing so would make us liable for making the move. Also, it would make us aware of the fact we are promiscuous, and we don't want to accept that we are, because we are programmed to think sex is a sinful act. In essence, we are sex shaming ourselves because we are unconsciously forced to conform, because we think sex is sin. Why should we learn to accept the fact that we are promiscuous by nature? Because repressing sex actually makes you want it more and harms you spiritually. Because sex is considered a sin, every time we make the move, we think we are doing something sinful. So, when we think it's a sin, we continue to sex shame ourselves. This manifests in hesitation and stopping ourselves every time we want to make the move, shows up in our body language. Also, we approach indirectly because approaching directly would mean we are doing something sinful overtly. If it's a sin, we continue to sex shame ourselves and others.
Next time, someone makes the move on you overcoming the social pressure, appreciate the effort, instead of sex shaming and making it look like only the person is initiating it.

Rude Fact From The Kind Of Comedy And Freud

People didn't believe when I said, humor shows your social status. So, now, I present proof  by quoting two famous people.

 "What we are often doing with humor is comparing ourselves with others we consider inferior by ridiculing their intelligence, their social standing, and their physical infirmities."---Melvin Helitzer, from his book "Comedy Writing Secrets".

Also From Freud: "A good bit of humor is oriented to maintaining the status quo by ridiculing deviant social behavior and reassuring the majority that their way of life is proper...it is used as a weapon of the 'ins' against the 'outs'.'

Gods Hate Knowledge The Knowledge Seeker

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."---Albert Einstein.

Strange But True

Strange but true: every time you see or hear something your mind is comparing the situation with something you've experienced before or what it's programmed with... your mind is not able to read what is actually happening. We only understand fifty percent of what we hear or see. Everything else gets "filtered". We don't read the incidents as they are at the moment we perceive the. 

মানুষ হইতে সাবধান

প্রায় দেখি অনেক বাড়িতে লিখা থাকে "কুকুর হইতে সাবধান"...কিন্তু কোথাও দেখিনা "মানুষ হইতে সাবধান"...ভাবখানা এমন মানুষ মানুষের কোন ক্ষতি করতে পারেনা....

Don't Be Patriotic

"You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race."---George Bernard Shaw

Inquiring Mind Wants To Know

I read this somewhere:The Chinese government discovered thousands years old Sanskrit documents in Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh in India for translation...they were found to contain the knowledge to build interstellar spaceships, according to the University's Dr Ruth Reyna...Dr Reyna revealed that these ships were known as "Astras" and it was claimed they could fly to any planet...the question is how the ancients knew how to built spaceships?

Be Aware Of The Halo Effect

The halo effect is a cognitive bias whereby the perception of one trait (i.e. a characteristic of a person or object) is influenced by the perception of another trait (or several traits) of that person or object. An example would be judging a good-looking person as more intelligent. I mention this because most people think of halo effect in terms of looks. That is not the case. A person might just believe another person more just because of his age. 

Listen To What Doesn't Make Sense, What Your Mind Is Avoiding

When people tell you something or when you read something, don't only focus on the stuff that are making sense or the ones that sound good...focus on the stuff that are not making sense or the ones that don't sound good...examine those...that way you expand your horizon....usually, the stuff that you are avoiding are the ones that turns in to profound realization years later. 

How To Know Where The Next Sacred Place Going To Be

If the Great Pyramid is taken to be the center of the 0 degree meridian, the longitude and latitude locations of the world's sacred sites fit together in neat geometrical patterns...this means you could predict where the next sacred place would be by knowing the longitude or latitude pattern. Now, all I have to do is find out the said pattern. 

Thinking Is The Hardest Thing

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."---Henry Ford

How Long Before Thoughts Get Creating Until You Become Aware Of Them

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences reveal that our decisions are made 7 seconds before we become aware of them...this only means that our decisions are made on an unconscious level and we are not completely aware of our decisions....

People Are Not Lazy Because They Want To Be

The tendency to avoid pain or uncomfortable things is deeply rooted in our mind biologically...so when people think of solving problems or try to do something the pain or discomfort associated with the problems come to their mind automatically, so they avoid the problems without realizing...not because they are lazy....

We Don't Always Laugh Because Stuff Is Funny

Most of the time when people laugh, smile, the reason is not because there is something funny...it is because they are trying to communicate or connect with people near them...or because they are fawning. 

A Great About Being Vilified

Some sage said after being ridiculed and harassed too much:"To all those who have tried to stop me communicating some information and those who continue to try to undermine me and what I do for their own malevolent reasons: when, at some point, you wake up, you will be horrified at what you've done." I, too, feel like I have been harassed too much, too long for speaking my mind from everyday people.

Sigmund Freud's Quote About The Unconscious Mind

:An interesting Sigmund Freud quote that I just read which I am compelled to share with you guys: "The unconscious of one human being can react upon that of another without passing through the conscious." This might mean, we can connect to another person's mind without being aware of it. Perhaps he was talking about the collective unconscious?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Don't Feel Like You Always Have To Be Right

If you feel like you always have to be right, that means you are insecure. This messes up your relationship.

Love Does Not Equal Compatibilty

If you love someone or have strong feelings for someone that doesn't always mean you are compatible to live together. The chemistry might still not be right. That doesn't mean you guys share the same dreams.

Don't Feel Small

You are not supposed to know everything. Don't feel small for not knowing something or making a gaffe. I mention this because we were created to gather information. Unconsciously we feel "low" if we don't know something.

Don't Try To Appear Too Perfect When Dating

If you ask a man, what do you do, he's going to say he's a "doctor" even if he's a cab driver, to save his face. When we are faced with situation like that we all try to present ourselves in a way that is "perfect" in the society's eye. In the beginning, everything is magical, both are nice to each other. Then little by little Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde and your dreams are broken. But what if the person tells that he he drives cab and still gets the girl? They wouldn't be heartbroken. The lesson, before you go into a relationship don't try to appear "perfect".  Also you can stop asking the person questions that force him/her to lie.To do this you might want avoid saying things like:
1. I don't do that on a first date.
2. I am a one woman man.
3. I can fuck non stop for the whole night.
4. I am a virgin( for women).
5. I don't watch porn.
6. I am not a bar going person.

Things like that. When a person try to appear too perfect and he/she sounds too perfect, it's not true. They don't think it's manipulation because the society expect us to be perfect and they don't realize they are doing it.They forget the society also expect us to be honest. Little bit of white lies are ok. Trust me there are people who don't try to appear perfect and still date more and not manipulate people.

Create Your Own "Paradise On Earth"

Most people  want a rich, educated person to save them from their miserable life...but they themselves don't want to do anything...they want their partner to give them paradise on earth without giving anything in return....if you learn the fact that nobody will ever give you anything and work on your life and able to build your own paradise, you won't need anyone else...but then everyone would be gravitated to you because they have nothing to lose by being with you...always think, if a person comes to your life what he is gaining other than sex...if there is nothing else, there is nothing else to build the paradise with...and then you both are financial burden to each other...then the relationship fizzles out....

Don't Do This In Public

Don't put yourself down in public

People Are Not Smart Or Dumb

People are not smart or dumb. It's situational and depends on their background, what information they have in their mind. For example, a doctor can't fix a car and an automobile engineer can't fix an ill person. 

What Does It Mean If You Don't Want To Get Married

If you don't want to get married, that might mean you feel marriage is going to hamper your dream(s).

How You Feel In A Relationship Might Also Depend On Your Brain Chemistry

How You Feel In A Relationship Might Also Depend On Your Brain Chemistry.

If You Both Fight Constantly

If you both are fighting constantly, you both might be too insecure.

Jealousy Might Be A Compliment

When your lover don't let you talk to another person of your sex, that is actually a compliment, many times, your loves thinks you are cute or good looking enough to be stolen by others.

It's All An Act

When men approach, women act annoyed, angered, but deep down inside they love and wait for it. To prove this all you have to do is not approach and see their reaction. 

Beliefs Have Been Inculcated In You

Please Remember different beliefs have been inculcated in you about sex and the opposite sex either by society or your parents or by yourself. It is going to take a long time to change your beliefs. You don't even realize the things you do unconsciously. You automatically play your gender role or how you have been indoctrinated.

Your Partner Might Be Scared Of You

If you have high social status that might cause your partner to be scared of you

Your Social Status Is Everything

How well you do in your relationship depends on your social status. You are as good as your reference group. This is more important than being rich. So, make your social circle bigger.

Do Not Look At Nude Imageries

Don't watch porn, nude images, semi nude women. Be conscious about this.

The Poor Person Can't Even Get Sympathy For Not Having A Sex Life

People make fun of a man who don't get laid, but he's the victim.

Your Look Is Linked To Your Social Status

How well you look depends on your social status.

Your Biggest Enemy

Your biggest enemy is discontentedness because our mind is always wanting and wanting causing us to think we never have enough. It can make you clinically depressed, can cause anxiety disorder and as a result it can make you numb. Always be contented. It always keeps you on tenterhooks. Keep reminding yourself you have everything you need.

Don't Be Running Your Mouth Uncontrollably

When you say things they comes out automatically with out fitting with the topics presented. Prepare your speech and practice speaking slowly.


Hypersexuality can be linked to bipolar disorder or severe depression. This means a person might not have enough sexual control if he/she has either one. This is true for both men and women. Symptoms of hypersexuality to be added in the future.

Women Fake Cry All The Time

Women shed crocodile tears all the time. They do this to in public. In addition they throw fakev temper tantrum in public all the time.

Your Self Image And Body Language Equals Your Stand In The Society

How you behave in public depends on how people perceive you and treat you. There's a saying, "people behave like the way other people expect them to behave". Your body language, confidence and self image depend on how other treat you and your social status.

Your Reality Is Only True For You

What happens to you become your reality, shape your paradigm. What becomes your paradigm keeps happening to you.

Lots Of People Are Walking Around With The Messiah Syndrome

We are taught since childhood to be a hero, to emulate a hero. Our movies, novels, religious texts, stories and people all depict heroes...we respect heroes more...we are taught be the best...we are also constantly told "You can be anything you want to be"...this can cause one to be a megalomaniac...this can cause one to want to be a messiah...as a matter of fact, lots of people are walking around with the messiah syndrome. These people are walking around thinking that they are savior of the world. 

Why You Might Be Polygamist

Other than biological factors, you might be polygamist because constant sexual imageries and videos in the media, books and sex being everywhere. I say this so that you can be aware of this.

Many Women Won't Admit It

Many women won't admit that you are good in bed because it would make her look like a slut or easy going. 

Slightly Smarter Than Average

Most people think they are slightly smarter than average.

Men Are Also Sex Shamed

Men are also sex shamed

Waiting For This Day

For once, I would like to live without being faulted, blamed, without feeling guilty or without being judged.

Don't Harass Men To Make Yourself Look Innocent

Ladies, do not harass men to make it look like that you are not a slut because most men also want to keep their debauchery secret, they want to help you keep yours secret. What's not okay is making it look like they are the only one interested. They feel betrayed. You just have to trust them. Men too feel ashamed for showing interest around other men and feel like they are being judged . What more is that they feel like they are scared of being beaten. So, this little incident actually scars them for life even if this seem "small" matter to you.

Most People Can't Dress Exactly As They Like

Most people can't dress up exactly the way they want because the market doesn't have clothes like their imagination and readymade clothes never fit perfectly. Even when it is tailor made. I say this because it lowers your confidence level without you being aware of it.

Why The Man Might Resent You

Because the man has to pay to be with you, to keep you by him he thinks he is not attractive enough without the money. So, he lose confidence and start to resent you. So, say nice things to him about his look and competency if you feel he resents you.

Why Most Women Leave

Most women leave because most men are 'yes men'.

What A Man Think A True Woman Lover Is

A true lover wouldn't punish her lover by socially harassing him.

Where Does Low Self Esteem Come From

Low self-esteem comes from leading a bad life. You can't just will it away over night. You have to lead a good life and make enough good things happen to give you the positive experiences needed to develop your self esteem.

You Are Actually Never Free

You are actually never free in the society because your action must not go against the people. Otherwise, you are ostracized or labeled as "crazy". Your decision is influenced by other people's judgement, it doesn't matter if they are wrong or right.

Why Women Believe They Are Whores

Unfortunately, if people tell you enough times that you are a whore or lecherous, you start to believe it yourself without actually doing anything sexual. You become wary of how you behave with the opposite sex...you always think he might think your act is sexual even though it is not.

Men Be Carefule

Be careful about women who are mean to you in public but nice to you covertly. These type of women are usually manipulative. Any women women who flirts with you secretly, is manipulative. 

The Incident That Made Me Wary Of Pregnant Women

One day one very pretty girl came on to me... I liked her look...the way she talked to me....couple of days later she slides in to the conversation that she's pregnant with her husband and wanting divorce from him and she's awaiting for him to pay for filing of the divorced...I felt manipulated, betrayed...I was hurt...because I felt like she only wanted me because she needed financial assistant with the baby...so I stopped talking to her...and then she harassed me for not talking to her...I share this to show that there are women who would do this to get you to take care of the baby.

You Deal With A Conditioned Being

When you meet someone to have relationship you just don't deal with that person in front of you, you deal with a person who's been indoctrinated for years to behave in a certain way with you. If you perceive the conditioning to go against you, it is very hard for you to undo it. Here will be a list of things for men and women that condition men and women in this society.

How Much Sex You Have Is Decided By The Society

You have as much sex as your social status.

When Women Would Travel For You

If you have enough preselection and enough social power women would travel for you

How Much Sex Shamed You Are Depends On Your Status

We are all lecherous. Some people get away with it because of their social status.Others, they get labeled and vilified because of their low status.The people who sex shame others, they are usually projecting.