Monday, September 28, 2015

Power Imbalance Is Bad For The Relationship

Relationship doesn't last if there is a power imbalance, no one can stand to see you win over him/her. From now on, I will refer to this as PI, power imbalance. So, in my future posts, if you see "PI", you know what this means.
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

You Shouldn't Obsess About This When It Comes To Dating

Don't obsess over you hair.
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Which Hormone Women Produce More

Women produce more oxytocin than men.
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High Testosterone Level Is Related To Risk Taking Behavior

The higher the testosterone level, the more risk taking behavior the male takes. According to lot of relationship gurus, women like a man that takes risk taking behavior.
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Why You Should Sometimes Disregard Your Feelings

If feelings get triggered in you, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad depending on the person you have feelings for . That person might bring you pleasure, but treat you badly, might torture you mentally, might be a control freak, might has personality disorder, might depend on you too much, might not let you pursue your dreams. If things are like this with that person, you should disregard your feelings.We don't always stay with the person who we have feelings for. Maybe that person is controlling, bossy; maybe that person is possessive; maybe that person is a kleptomaniac; maybe that person emotionally tortures you; maybe that person don't want to change; maybe that person can't be changed; maybe that person socially harasses you maybe you are not compatible with that person; maybe that person is menacing...well, you get the point. The important thing to remember is you don't always choose who you have feelings for.
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Why Some People Hold Onto Someone So Much

The fear of losing the person or not being able to find anyone else can intensify our feelings of love toward a person.
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Which Hormone Makes Men More Territorial And Makes Them Commit To One Woman

The hormone vasopressin makes men  more territorial. This hormone also makes men commit to certain woman. This why we see men getting extremely angry when someone tries to hurt their love. I found out about vasopressin in the book "The Male Brain".
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The Male Brain Gets Rewired After His Child Gets Born

According to the book, The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine, the male brain gets rewired after he gives birth "fueled" by testosterone and vasopressin. After this rewiring fatherly instinct gets created.
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Dopamine As Well As Testosterone Is Also Responsible For Sex

Both dopamine and testosterone increase sexual urge. Also found this from reading Helen Fisher.
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One Way Women Brain is Different Than Men Brain

Women can hold two opposing ideas at once in their brain and act on the one they want. Most men can't do this. This is according to Helen Fisher. I also believe this.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Two Hormones That Suppress Each Other

Testosterone and serotonin suppress each other. The one is running higher dominates and suppresses the other. Found this info in Helen Fisher's book "Finding Real Love By Understanding Your Personality Type".
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Friday, September 25, 2015

Men, You Are Not Funny Or Unfunny

You don't have to be a comedian to get laid, just memorize couple of jokes and test them out among friends, co-workers, etc. See which ones work best and use them. You are not funny or unfunny.
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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ladies, How You Dress Up Doesn't Matter

Men don't care about how you dress.

Most Approaches Are Made By Women

Most approaches are initiated by women, they are just better at hiding it, and they do it indirectly, according to Leil Lowndes.
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Love Can Start By Gazing

Love can start only by eye contact.
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How Women Flirt

Women flirt by bantering.
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You Feel Attraction If Someone Is Attracted To YOu

You get attracted to someone if that person is attracted to you.
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Why Women Are Attracted To Their Bosses

Female employees often feel some attraction for their bosses regardless of how he looks because of his status.
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It Doesn't Matter How You Are Dressed

Don’t let the fact that you are dressed badly be an excuse to not approach. Don't Stop Approaching even If you are not neatly groomed. Women don't care about that.
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What To Do When Women Say, "GIve Me Your Number, I will Call you"

When women say, "Give me your number, I will call You", say, "Have a good day" and leave.
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Don't Stop Approaching Because She Is with A Man

Lot of time when a guy see a girl with another guy he unconsciously avoid the woman. That shouldn’t stop you from approaching the girl.
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Don't Let Women Trick You To Do Stuff

Women would  belittle you for your inability to perform that are usually known as “man's job”, don’t let them. It is a ploy to get you do stuff.
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How To Make Your Women Logical

Coming soon 

Lot Of Women Don't Mind If Their Husband Have Sex With Other Women.

Lot of women don’t mind when a husband have sex with other women because he’s the provider. As long as he can provide for her, she won’t complain. Lot of women actually like it when their men have sex with other women.
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How Often Married People Have Sex In The US

The average frequency of coitus after ten years of marriage in the United States, according to Kinsey, a research team, is about twice a week.

Masters and Johnson Report About Men Women Sex Longevity

According to Masters and Johnson, a research team, women can enjoy orgasm nearly to the end of life, while males lose their capacity between sixty and seventy.
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Women Have More Purchasing Power In America But They Don't Pay

Even though all the professions have been open to women for nearly a half-century; so far not a single instance has come to light of a woman voluntarily devoting her life to supporting a healthy husband and their children single handedly. Even though women have more purchasing power in America, women don't pay for anything in the relationship.
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What You Can Do Instead Of Asking Out

If you ask a girl out then it is uncomfortable for you to get physical with her. Start touching her, get sexuall before asking out. If you can get sexuall, then you won't even have to ask her out.
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Make Sure The Power Is Balanced

If the need for validation and expressions of love is completely one-sided, the relationship becomes imbalanced and arguments will arise due to the inciter not feeling appreciated enough. Make sure the power is balanced.
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Don"t Change For Women

Do not change if a woman wants you to. Do your own thing, pursue your own dream.
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Never Ask Women This

Don’t ask women “Do you remember me?” Talk to her as if she does.
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What To do When You Get A Brain Fart Or Run Out Of Conversational Topic

When you run out of conversational topic on a date , ask her to tell her about herself.
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Express Your Feelings, Men

Men are taught to not to cry. Cry as often as you can. If you can’t do it in public, do it in solitary. If you bottle up feelings. It might do you more harm.
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Women Think Playboys Are Good In Bed

If you are a playboy, if you have lot of women around you, women think you are able to satisfy women very good in bed.
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Women Play The Jealousy Game Even After They Have You, Men

Women play the jealousy game even after they have you in a relationship to control you.
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How Women Indirectly Make You Want Them

Lot of women in a relationship would walk around naked to get you to have sex with them, instead of saying directly. Act like you don't notice it. Don't jump on them.
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Nice Guy Syndrome

Nice guys feel bad after they confront the guy in an angry way who’s hurt him. He feels he wasn’t right to get mad at the guy who’s hurt him. Then they apologize for doing it.
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Porn Addiction Might Be Related To ED

Porn addiction is related to ED.
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Don't Be Insecure About Your Look

If you are insecure about your look, public speaking is going to be hard for you. Approaching women would also be hard for you.

Don't Publicize If You Are A Bad Boy

Lots of people don’t like the bad boy, do not publicize it if you are a bad boy.

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How to Become Successful Money Wise

You don’t become successful by making money, you make money by success.

Figure Out How You Come Off

Most people don't realize how they come off.
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Pursue Your Dreams, Not Of Your Women

Don’t get a job or a degree because you think that is going to make you look good to women or that is going to help you get laid. YOU GET THE DREAM JOB BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT,YOU CHOOSE THE DREAM EDUCATION BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT. You Continue to pursue your dream even after your marriage.
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Don'T Talk About Depression Around Women

It is not okay to say if you are suffering from depression and that you are on medication because of it. Also, if you have some sexual problem because of your depression, do not mention it.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Involuntary Semen And Precum Secretion

Depression and anxiety can lead you to have involuntary precum/semen secretion. This is not same as wet dream or nocturnal emission. This is secretion of precum/semen without an orgasm usually in the morning while peeing.
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One Of The Ways How Women Flirt With You On Facebook

If a women keep sending you game request on Facebook, she is flirting with you.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How To Stop Hating The Opposite Sex

Take an inanimate object and think of it as a member of opposite sex and express your anger at it and curse at it as vigorously as you can. This way you won’t be mad at the opposite sex anymore. Do this ritualistically.

Women, Why You Want Your Man To Work Hard

You want him to work hard because you want a better life, not because you want to help him reach his dreams.
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Why Women Live Longer

Women live longer because they lead a better standard of living, because they don't do the hard, laboring job that men do not because they are genetically better.
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Why Men Think Women Are Crazy

Men often say that “women are crazy” because women’s way of thinking because of their brain chemistry makes them do or say things that would be crazy in men's world.
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Why Men Don't Like Commitment

Men don’t want commitment because they don’t want the financial responsibility comes with it.
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Marriage Doesn't Solve Anything

Don’t think marriage is going to bring you all the happiness in the world.
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No Man Can Make You Happy

Never believe any man can make you happy. Happiness comes from within.
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A Man's Self-esteem Takes A Toll If He Gets Rejected Sexually

A Man’s self-esteem becomes low if he is rejected sexually.
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Your Man Is Not Responsible For Your Dreams

Your man is not responsible for fulfilling for your dreams. You are responsible for fulfilling your dreams. Don’t blame him for your failures.

When Men Think You Are A Whore

Men don’t think you are whore for wanting him sexually, for sleeping with him easily. He only things you are a whore if you LIE about sleeping with someone.
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Women Express Your Feelings

Lot of women think that if they are forward, if they tell men about their feelings, this makes men not value them. That they don’t think they are a challenge if they are easy going. Nothing is further from the truth. Men don’t like a challenge. They get annoyed when a woman plays hard to get. For some men, this is a mental torture.
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Women, Do Not Torture Men Mentally

You may think acting like you don’t want to intercourse makes him think you are a good girl. No, it makes him think you are manipulative, and to him it is a form of mental torture.
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Women Are Not Monogamous

Women are not inherently monogamous.
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No such thing as "Misogynists"

"Misogynists" just want the game to be fair.

Women, Don't Make Relationship A Power Struggle

Don't see relationship as a power struggle, don't make it one.
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Don't Play Games, Women

If you flirt with him, if you lead him on, and if you say “no” when he asks you out to make him chase you, it looks like manipulation. You have an obligation to say "yes", because you led him on. You wouldn’t like games played on you, so don’t play on it others.
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Don't Be A Control Freak, Women

If you feel like if you always have to win, you are a control freak.
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Women, Men Want To Be Understood

Men want to be understood. One of the biggest complain among men is that their women don't understand them.
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Women, Men Like You When You Appreciate Their Talent

Nothing makes a man happier than when a woman appreciates him for his talent, knowledge and skill.
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Lots Of Women Like Being Submissive Sexually

Put a collar around your woman's neck attach a leather belt to the collar with a D-Ring and drag her around and make her do stuff. Lots of women find deep pleasure being the slave like this.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

Don't Call Women "Girlfriend" Jokingly, Men

Lots of men at workplace when they are among coworkers when a woman passes by or a girl that they are talking to all of a sudden, randomly and jokingly" say "This is my girlfriend" to show people that them and the woman has humorous relationship, that they banter all the time. While everybody realizes this is a joke, it makes the men show needy. This joke is also redundant. Women hear this all the time. It is a bit annoying but they don't say anything just to be polite. Don't do it.
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A Rude Act Of Women That Makes Men Think They Are Going To Be Insolent

Many times when women flirt with a guy at workplace or at a similar place, in the beginning of relationship, because of lack of communication, because they haven't started well verbal communication, they don't say proper goodbye. This act hurts the man and makes him think "If she can hurt me without bidding adieu, she might not care about my feelings later on. She is the type of person that doesn't care how her actions hurt me. Later she's going to obstinate later on". This is a turn off makes the guy think the women are going to be recalcitrant.
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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lot of Men Think Being Money Oriented Is Low

Unfortunately, ladies, lot of men are not money oriented, they think to be money oriented, to be money hungry, to be greedy is low.
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Women Like Money Oriented Men

Women don't like men who are not money oriented because money represents future financial security. Lot of men are not money oriented.
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How To Approach Women In Public

When in public don’t let your body language give away that you like the girl. Needless to say, don’t let anyone know that you are into that girl.

Why Some Men End Up With "Unattractive" Women

Many times men fall for the “unattractive” women because they feel like they have more power over them.
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Some Women Sex To Get Out Of Getting Tickets

Lot of women sex police officers when they get pulled over.
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Why Women Sometimes Like "Unattractive" Guys

One of the reasons why women like “unattractive” guys is because they can control them.
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Women Like To Perform Fellatio

Women like to perform fallatio. Many people can't believe it because they are not used to getting it. Think what a women would do if she wanted to keep you, if you were a prize.
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Women Fantasized About Being Raped

Women fantasize about being raped by one men or many men. This is not to say that raping women is okay.
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We All Want To Be Chased

The process of wanting people to make you chase is unconscious. We all want to be chased by the other sex aka "the opposite sex".
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Don't Buy Anything For Women

Don’t buy house, cars or something very expensive, just because a woman want you to because when you run out of money, she can’t help you money wise.

Women Like Cowgirl Position

Most women like sex in cowgirl position, woman on top.
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Women Like It When You Smell Them

Women like it when you smell them, and it turns them on.
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Women Like To Be Blind Folded

During sex Women like to be blindfolded. I read it in some book which will be cited later

Why Men Admire The Female Body

Men are conditioned to admired the female body because they bombarded with nude, semi-nude female imagery, porn, porn magazine, etc.

Be Careful About Reading Anti-Female Books

If you read lot of anti female books, it will come off in your speaking.
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Women Make Most Of The Buying Decision In America

Women make 85% buying decisions, according to the book, What Men know and women don’t know, by Rich Zubaty.

Women Have More Purchasing Power In America

Women Have more purchasing power in America.Women own 65% America’s wealth according to Forbes Magazine.I found this info in the book "What Men Know That Women Don't: How to Love Women Without Losing Your Soul" by Rich Zubaty. 
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Body Language Advice For Men

Your body language gives away you lies. Either be good at it or stop lying.

How Women Make Men They Are "Innocent"

Because women make men think they don’t like sex, lots of men think their women are “innocent”.
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Women Always Try To Show They Don't Like Sex

Women are always acting like they don’t like sex.

How Women Get Men's Property And Money

Women accuse men of child molestation to take over the house and child’s custody, with the help of a lawyer.

Leave Her If She Holds Out Sex Or If She Use Sex As A Weapon

If a woman don’t give sex to you or deny sex to you, leave her.

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How To Make Women Crazy For Sex

Lack of sexual interest in the male makes the female crazy.
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How Women Trick Men Even After Marriage

Even after getting married women make men think they don’t like sex.

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

What To Do When A Woman Says Your Nails Are Too Long

Dating tip for men: if a woman tell you something about your nails being too long, tell her, "I am a man I don't care about that kinda stuff, and you should apologize to me". Don't let her embarrass you.

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You Don't Have To Understand Women

I don't understand why people spend time understanding women. You don't have to understand them. All you have to make sure is you are treated right and respectfully. You don't have to understand them to get laid

Hating Might Stop You From Making A Relationship

If you hate women, you might unconsciously keep yourself from dating. You might sabotage your own relationships.
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What Women Do When They Want To Break Up

Lot of women behave badly with their men when they want to break up so that the men would automatically break up with them to make them think that they are leaving them on their own.
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How Women Test How Much A Man Would Tolerate

Women would test your anger by getting angry by behaving badly with you, if you don’t say anything she will continue to do it.

It's Not How Many Times, I'ts How Long With Women

With women it’s not the number of times you pleasure her, it’s amount of time, number of hours.
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It Is Easier To Give Women Orgasm Through Clitoral Stimulation

Clitoral stimulation as opposed to vaginal stimulation is what brings most women to orgasm.
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The Man Can't Follow The Woman's Conversation

The woman talking pattern annoys men because they jump from topic to topic, there is no beginning, no end, they jump all over, but the man brain is linear. He can't follow that conversation.
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Being Independent Doesn't Mean Being Disrespectful

Being an independent woman doesn't mean, you can be rude to men, you can be sassy or that you can be disrespectful to them. It only means, no one can control your life. But this doesn't mean you can disrespect men.
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One Of The Indication Of Interest By Women

When a woman ask your name, that is an indication of interest.
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Don't Approach Women From Behind

Don't approach women from behind. It might startle them, frighten them. Approach from side, over your shoulder, from front.

Men Thinking Vs. Women Thinking

Men thinking is linear. Women thinking is not linear. Chaos works in women's world, not in men's world. The reason is men has a lot less connecting fibers between the left brain and the right brain. This information is found in the book "Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus".

Boost Your Confidence

Sense of humor is directly related to your self-confidence.So, work on improving your confident. Act confident.

You Might Not Enjoy Sex If You Hate Women, If You are Disrespected

You might not enjoy sex if you hate women. If you hate a particular woman, this might be true too. Sex is directly related to your ego. If someone disrespects you, your ego hurts, so you don't like to sex that person. This is true for women too.
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You Are Insatiable

No matter how much you do, how much effort you put in, you will always feel like, it is not enough because you don’t appreciate yourself, your work. Also, you want too much.
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The Woman Denies Being Superficial

If you ask a woman, if you like money, cars etc., she’s always going to say, she’s not that superficial. She would deny it. So, don't ask her that question. Glean it from her actions.
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What To Do If She Behaves Badly, Erratically

Practice walking out on her, if she says something offensive.

How To Behave On A Date

Take her out and ignore her. This does two things. It communicates you are not needy. Plus, you don't have to impress her and as a result, you won't feel uncomfortable.
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Don't Be Timid Around People, Men

Don’t be intimidated by other men or what they would think of you when you are around women, even if you are intimidated by them. Act like you are not. If you are timid in public, she might consider you unmanly, unsocial.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How Women Try To Figure Out If Their Men Want A Child

Sometimes when women are not on birth control pill, they let the men decide whether or not to use a condom. If the men opt out to use a condom, women often view it as a sign of commitment, to have a child with her.
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How Women Test Men To See If They Like Commitment

Females frequently use pregnancy scare to test the commitment of the male they are sleeping with.

Make Her Think She's Of A Lower Value

If the woman is of a lower value than you, you don’t mind telling her that you don’t have a job. Make her think she’s of a lower value.

Don't Call Women Whore

Make sure she doesn't feel like a “whore” or a “slut” or a “bad girl” doing the sexual things she does for you. Constantly assure her that she is not one of those things for having sex with you. Most men when they are sexing say things like "Are you my whore?". Even though most women don't mind this while having sex, the word "whore" has a negative connotation in life. This hurts the women socially because her perceived social value goes lower. What is worse is the women themselves believe it to be true. 
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You Have The Right To End IT

If you are not having fun in a date, If you feel like she’s not appreciative to the things that you’ve done for her and if she’s rude, end it. Leave. Most men never think to do this or realize that they can do this.

Women, Reject Without Insulting

Most guys don’t mind getting rejected, but they get upset when they are insulted, or treated badly.
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The Human Is Not Monogamous

Most people start to have sex since their teenage years, they have sex through out their college years and until they find a good job. After that they get married and then they claim they are "monogamous". They are monogamous only during the married life. Before that they sex many times. All of a sudden they start to tell people they are monogamous. Either they do this to show the society that they are "good" and they are not obsessed with sex. These are the same people who give me a look when I tell them the human is not monogamous. They are hypocrites.
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Preparing For Sex Is Also Foreplay For Women

The preparation for sex ---showering, putting makeup, doing nails, organizing the house, etc.---is considered foreplay for women.

Why Women Are Shy In Bed

Women don’t tell what they want in bed because they are shy and society conditioned into thinking them if they tell what they want, they will be seem as whores, bad girls.

How Women Lie About Sex

Women do everything---kissing, oral sex, anal sex, touched on boobs-- but intercourse to be able to tell themselves and the society that they did not have sex. To them as long as they are not doing intercourse they are not having sex.

Foreplay Is Very Important For Women

Women need to be warmed up for sex through talking, affection and touching. Foreplay is very important for women

Long Term Sexual Relationship Is Not Practical

Long term sexual relationship is not practical because you eventually lose sexual interest. This is one of the reasons why marriage does not work

One Reason Why Women Like Marriage

Women like commitment because if they get out of a marriage, their value would lower because society and other men wouldn't value them as much as before they had sex with someone. NOT because they really love the guy.

Don't Talk To Women When They Are Drunk

Women are mean when they are drunk. Don't be around them when they are drunk.

Women Talk About Men's Penis Size

Women tell each other about the penis size of the men they have slept with. If the review is positive, they secretly try to sleep with the man.

Don't Let Others Bring You Down

Don’t let other’s word bring you down. Don’t have an external frame of reference. Don’t let others define what you are. Think if someone said bad things about you or treated you badly and don’t let that bring you down.

Love is An Addiction

The brain chemical responsible for feeling of love is phenylethylamine or PEA. The feeling experienced when PEA is triggered in the brain is similar to the feeling one would experience after snorting cocaine. It is very addictive. Love is the addiction and torture people willingly put themselves through.
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Don't Buy Too Much Stuff

The more stuff you have the more cluttered your house and room get.

Women Lie To Justify Sleeping With Other Men

If a woman says, “My man doesn’t show any interest in me, and he treats me bad”, that usually means, she is not sexually attracted to him and she wants to sleep with someone else. Or she’s justifying her sleeping with someone else. She might also say things like “He said that I am not pretty”.
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Don't Be Too Nice To Her Relatives

Do not be too nice to her relatives because they might realize that you are doing to gain their approval to be with her and you might come out inauthentic. Don't try to impress them

Don't Let Her Play The Jealousy Game

If she’s constantly make you jealous by flirting or being with other men, leave her. If you don’t, she’s going to emotionally abuse you. First give her a warning by telling her that she shouldn't do that, if she doesn't pay heed, leave her. 

Don't Say The L Word To Get Her To Dirty Stuff

Don’t say “I love you” to get her to do something kinky. It seems manipulative.

Don't Show Off Your Women To Your Friends

Don’t communicate to her that you are too eager to show her off to your friends. This shows that she has too much value to you. If she is with you they will eventually see you.

Don't Let Her Settle With You

Find out if she is just settling, or you are her genuine love if it is a long term relationship. If she’s just settling, don’t be with her. Only reason women settle is because they can  control the lesser man.
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Don't Let Her Think You Are Wrong

Don't ever accept you are wrong even if you are wrong.

Don't Show Too Much Interest In The Beginning

Don’t make future plans, don’t tell her you want to do this and that with her or you want to go places with her in the beginning, when you start dating, before the relationship matures. Because it shows too much interest, makes you look too needy.

Use A Cliffhanger When Talking To Women

Start a topic, don’t finish it and go into another topic when talking to women.

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How To Date And Make Money

If you want to date for money, date cougars.

Don't Give Her A Chance To Say "No"

Don’t ask women question that she can answer with “no”.

Don't Ask Women Out

NEVER ask a woman out. Asking women out never works

Why You Don't Approach

Approaching women is very painful for your mind. So, it unconsciously avoids approaching women. 

Be Money Oriented

Unfortunately, what a man does most of the time is not money oriented. What he does most of the time doesn't bring him money. You have to constantly do stuff that brings you money, if you are not rich. This  doesn't mean you are going to give up on your hobbies, interest, but you have to spend more time on making money than you do on other stuff. 

Don't Help Women

Don't help women unless it is life and death.

A Respond To Women Who Say,"No, Means No"

A While ago, I posted this on my Facebook: "When a woman says, she does not want to go out with you, or kiss you or something to that effect by saying, 'My man/bf wouldn't like that.',that doesn't mean, she doesn't want you. That only means, she can't justify in her mind cheating even though she wants to have you." This post was not mean to tell other men that they should go after women when she says "no" or to bother her even after it. What I was trying to do was give the message to men that even when they are "rejected" many times it might not be them. Sometimes it is them, many other times it is not .Lot of women replied by saying,"'No, means no". So, I felt like I should clarify. I posted that because lot of men, after being rejected many times, think that there is something wrong with them, and their ego hurts, and their self esteem takes a toll. So, I was trying to give the message that it might not always be them. And many times when women say that, it is not true.
For men, I am going to try to explain why it is not always you. Women, even if they are not that "attractive", get approached many times a day, since they reach puberty. By some estimates, on average, women get hit on 20 times a day. So, when you approach women, by using the same cheesy "pickup line" that everyone else uses, or by saying "You look very beautiful", it is the same thing they hear all the time. So, this does not seem genuine to them. Another thing is most women fear of being appeared as "whore" or "slut" or "bad girl". So, initially they have to act like they don't want you even if they are attracted to you. As a result, they come up with the excuse that they have a boyfriend. Many times this or responses like this are an automatic response. They have to make it as a habit because they get approached all the time by men same lame way. So, it might be that you are the hundredth guy that approached her the same way which prompted her to respond that way. Or that she was just not trying to appear as a "bad girl". It might have nothing to do with you.
For the women who said "No, means no", most of the men that get laid on a regular basis, and most of the men that got laid, the first thing they hear after approaching is "no". So, "No" doesn't always mean "no", even though many times it does. Are you saying that most of the women who said "no" initially never had sex with any man? If they did, you are lying, PREEMPTIVELY. I wonder why. I will leave it at that.

Women Are Good At Reading Facial Expression

Women are good at understanding facial expression. This is important because lot of men think because they look at a woman the woman doesn't realize that they are attracted to the woman. Trust me they know.

Do Not Make A Relationship Because You Are Lonely

If you don’t get acceptance anywhere else, you are going to seek it from a woman. You wish since no one likes you, you need that emotional support from a woman. So, you might accept any woman. It is not wrong to look for emotional support, but don’t communicate that you are not accepted anywhere else. If you are not accepted anywhere else, work on how to change that. Don't think you lose, if no one accept you, it is their loss. Don't get married thinking that you will be lonely rest of the life. You have spend a great portion of your life lonely. So, it doesn't matter if you have a woman or not. Being with a woman doesn't solve your problem of loneliness because women don't get into relationship to satisfy your need, women get into a relationship for their material needs.

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Do Not Compliment Pretty People

Do not compliment if someone is "pretty" or "beautiful"  because he/she  didn't achieve it. It is how  the creator created him/her created. He/she didn't work for it.

Don't Obsess Over Your Look

It is okay to worry about your appearance, but it is not okay to obsess about it. Don’t be fastidious about it. Some people can’t help it. Remember, you are not responsible for how you look. It is how your creator created you. You have no hand in it. Do not let people shame your for your look because you are not responsible for it.

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What To Do When Someone Calls You A "Misogynist"

If someone calls you a "misogynist", tell them it is what women like.
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Don't Try To Impress Women

Don’t talk like a nerd, talk like a street guy, callously. Don't try to appear "sophisticated". Don't try to impress anyone for anyone for that matter. If you try to impress, it actually means you have a lower status than the people that you are trying to impress.

You Don't Need Sex, Men

You actually don't need sex to survive.
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Keep Yourself Active

If you don’t keep yourself active, your serotonin level gets low. As a result your body and mind become numb. 
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People Won't Laugh At Your Joke Unless You Have A Higher Status

Do not poke fun at people unless you have a higher social status.
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Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Your facial expression and your body language give away how confident you are. Act confident at the face of it.  

Women Like Leader Quality

If you can lead people in some way, if you are leader of men, that is very attractive to women. 
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Don't Be Nice Where It Is Not Appropriate

People get annoyed when you are too nice.
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Be Comfortable With What You Wear

If you are not comfortable wearing the clothes that you are wearing, it is going to show in your body language. Be cognizant about this. The simple solution is to buy clothes that fit you very well. But if you happen to wear clothes that don’t fit, for lack of choice, be aware that your discomfort might show in your body language, or you might not feel confident because of this. This might mentally irritate you and might make you uncomfortable around people. Just by being aware of it gives you the power to deal with it. Always remember, obsession of some prettier cloth will never end.
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Play Sport If You Can't Work Out

If it is too hard for you to work out regularly, get into a sport that you enjoy doing, and do it regularly. Or Walk.
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Stop Thinking You Are A Failure

You might unconsciously think you are a failure because of the way things are going in your life, stop thinking this way.
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Don't Be Eager To Listen To Her

You don’t always have to answer what she is asking you, ignore her every once in a while.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Don't Let Her Determine What You Watch

Don’t let her give you shit about watching action movies or movies that give you adrenaline rush.
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Women Are Everywhere

When a man says "I  don't meet any woman or "Where do I meet women?" or "What is a good place to find women?", these means he can't game the women that he meets. He can't get them to do on a date. This happens for two reasons. One, he doesn't approach at all. Second, when he approaches he does it like every other men is doing it. So, women pick up on that and shoot him down.  Another problem is when he sees women they are usually with other men, and he thinks the women are with their men. What they don't realize is that when women hang around with other men, most of the time it is not their boyfriends, they might be friends, relatives, etc. You have to learn to approach in public places.
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