Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Haven't Met The Right One

I haven't met who is morally well educated... I've met many who are educated in school but haven't met anyone who consider and can present  her words and actions in a way that doesn't  hurt is as if people don't have enough sense or moral education in them        to do things in a way  that doesn't hurt others... I find it very hard to relate to people....

Haven't Met The Right One

I haven't met who is morally well educated... I've met many who are educated in school but haven't met anyone who consider and can present  her words and actions in a way that doesn't  hurt is as if people don't have enough sense or moral education in them        to do things in a way  that doesn't hurt others... I find it very hard to relate to people....

Fix Your Speech Mistake

You are always going to misspeak because you do it unconsciously and you often have to make up as you go along. It's human to make speaking mistake. But we often end up what we say mistakingly. We don't take back what we say mistakingly. 

Created Like His Own Image

What did god mean when he said when god said he created human like his own image. If we resemble God physically, what purpose does that serve. Many books scholar claim, God can take any form he wants, meaning he doesn't have a particular form. If he doesn't look like anything in particular, how can he create something that looks like that. That seems contradictory. Could that saying be metaphor for godly power? His power enables him to create. Is it possible that he gave the same power to create to human , and he just have to figure out  how to unleash it? 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Moral Education Is A Must

If you don't educate all morally, the uneducated ones take over and rule over the more educated ones because they are not morally educated enough to see that they are hurting others. They have no problem hurting others or to take away from others to go to the top because they don't see anything wrong with doing such things. They have no problem going against others randomly with false accusation.

Leave This Situation

This is one of the biggest rule you should follow for work, love, relationship, school, almost everywhere in life: if most of your decisions are not being implemented somewhere, you shouldn't be in that situation, you should eject from that situation ASAP. Life's too short. If you are not growing and evolve the way you want, you will never be satisfied, happy.

Avoid This Person

Avoid anyone who can't show proper judgement and end up hurting you as a result. Also, if s/he is the kind of person who doesn't willfully fix his/her mistake after given chance avoid the person because sooner or later this person is going to hurt you by subterfuge. If the person doesn't care how s/he hurts your feelings, you can't trust that person 

The Human Mind Can Become Addicted To Doing This

The human mind can become addicted to finding flaws in everything and complaining about everything because of the high stress hormone level of cortisol. Many of us are discontented and are always complaining.

The Problem With Our Inquisitive Mind

This thought came to me after reading Dan Brown's latest book ' Origin' . The human mind is always looking for answer, until it can't find an answer it keeps searching for veritable information to lock, register. If it lacks resources or motivation it sorts of makes up one based on the information it has without verifying. This poses a great threat to the veracity of the information. For example, there are few theories to how human being came about to earth: from god's miraculous creation, through direct alien genetic engineering, from monkey to human evolution and panspermia. Depending on your faith, background, you are only going to believe one of these. But only one of these can be true. But we individually reach to one of these conclusions for lack of better data, resource and understanding of scientific matters, knowing that we could be wrong. The answer to this is inconclusive, but we have no problem presenting one of these as a fact. We are always doing this believing in data that only fits our belief, unconsciously. The mind must give shape and form to everything. In doing so it makes up faulty data to fill the gaps.

Study What Doesn't Make Sense Or Register

Recently, I read  a quote that I would like to share and I am paraphrasing," Study what you disbelieve, study what doesn't make sense or register, your mind will open to new possibilities."

Monday, March 19, 2018

Etymology Of The Word 'Left'

The modem English word "left" derives from the Old English lyft, which meant weak  or palsied.

"Pornography" Etymology

The word 'porno' in Greek means 'whore'. 'Graphia' means 'view' So, the whole thing means view of whore.