Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Catholic Church In Accordance With Great Scientists

The Catholic Church or the Roman Catholic Church, which has 1.25 billion members world wide, accepted the "Big Bang Theory". In 1951, it promulgated that the theory is in accordance with the Bible.

Avoiding Challenge Unconsciously

People do lots of hard work to avoid mental challenge unconsciously. 

A Banal Writing About The Atom

The word "atom" in Greek means "indivisible", something that is not divisible. Earlier scientists thought "atom" is the furthest you could go and that is the "elementary particle". Only later scientists discovered that an "atom" is not the most "elementary particle". If you go deeper, in to subatomic level, you get electron, proton, neutron and further down  "up quark", "down quark". Even then, they are not the "elementary particles". Aristotle believed, elements could be  broken down--that it is  ''divisible"-- infinite number of times. The deeper you could go, the more particles you would find. There is no end. His belief holds true to this day. They haven't named all the subatomic particles yet. If you search for "name of subatomic particles" hundreds of name will come up.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Most People Don't Realize

Most people don't realize how toxic or dangerous their words are because they talk unconsciously. Most people don't realize the ramification of what they are doing because they do it unconsciously.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

We Don't Realize We Compare Ourselves To Others

We compare ourselves with others unconsciously. If we perceive that we are lower than the ones we compare ourselves with, it brings us down .It happens automatically.

First Man Made Spacecraft To Land On Another Planet

Venera 7 was the first spacecraft to land on Venus and first spacecraft to transmit 23 minutes of video, on December 15, 1970. Long before that, Venera 3, however, just crash landed on Venus and was not able to transmit. By the way, Venera means Venus in Russian. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

What Should You Do If Your Partner Looks At Other People

When your partner looks at a member of opposite sex unconsciously, without realizing, the person should be forgiven ...both for men and women...but let your partner know RESPECTFULLY that you don't like it, not by not make this an's human...don't use this to get upper hand when having an argument, do not use this to harass your partner in public...that makes you low. But remember men are more visual or wired differently. Plus, most men don't consider it cheating and find it austere when their partner ask them to not to look at other women. They think it's not a big deal to look at other women. 

Here's the biggest problem with this though, if you get angered or annoyed by such little thing all the time, that actually means your are insecure or that there are reasons for your partner to leave you. People don't leave their partner by looking inadvertently. This also means you are a bit controlling if you constantly berate your partner about it, if you feel good doing it. If you constantly do it, it tells your partner you are controlling. 

This doesn't mean I am condoning it when people do it consciously and keep doing it even after they are asked to not to do it.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

All "Bird's Eye View" Images Of Milky Way Galaxy Are Not Real

They don't have a "bird's eye view" image of our galaxy Milky Way because no man-made spacecraft ever reached high enough or on "top" of our  galaxy to get a picture of it which would give us such a view. Most of the images with such view that you see on television or somewhere else are computer generated which they create from other spiral galaxies' images. Voyager 1 is the first man-made spacecraft to go out of our solar system, but that still hasn't gone far enough to get a "bird's eye view" image.