Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Here Comes The Taliban!

One day, I went to a bar on 14th street, near Union Square NY. I didn't have lots of cash, so I got a juice. After that, I was walking around in the bar. One black woman brushed up against me and started to dance. I don't know how to dance, but I acted like dancing---moved my limbs a little bit. At certain point, she asked me to get her a drink. I was taken aback, didn't realize she brushed up against me to get her to buy a drink. I couldn't tell her, I don't have cash. So, I kinda walked away, and tried to talk to other people. Few minutes later, I needed some fresh air, and I walked out. After taking the walk, I headed back to the bar. At the entrance, the black girl was standing with a friend. I tried to avoid eye contact. She yelled, "Here comes the Taliban!" I found it humorous even though she didn't mean it to be.

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