Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bad Cipriani In New York

Let me give you a few examples of how #Cipriani and Exquisite treat their workers. These are not the worst example, there are better examples. These were chosen randomly.
This is an incident how Cipriani  42nd captain known as Eddie harassed me one day:
After the meeting, they asked us to go to our posts, stations. I went to my station to run for a buffet. Nobody else was there, the food running hasn't started yet, and I was the first one to show up at that particular station. So, I waited at the station. After a while, Eddie came  to me and told me, "Why aren't you doing anything, why aren't you at your station?" Obviously, I had to inform him that was my station, and that's where I was supposed to be. Upon hearing this, he said, "Show me on the assignment sheet", and I went downstairs and showed him. He realized he made a mistake. I should remind everyone that he is/was the one that makes/made the assignment. The person he was looking for was Sergio, which is very similar to my name. Sergio didn't show up at his station. So, as he was having a confabulation, the process where your mind replaces the info with similar info, he thought it was me. He didn't apologize for yelling at me! Even though he is supposed to know where I was as he made the assignment, he managed to forget that he put me there. He told me I was not doing anything, even though I was doing what I was supposed to do. This is commonplace at Cipriani: harass or yell at people for no reason only because they think what they make up is right.

Now, I am going to give an example of how Mel Belazuela treats people: let me start by saying that most of the waiters that are not Freemasons, or part of cults that are offshoots of Freemasons, get harassed by him as he is a Freemason and the waiters who get harassed don't like him because of that. He makes people nervous by harassing them every five seconds, and there is no arguing with him in self-defense because if you do, you get downgraded to his B waiters' list that is created by him and start getting fewer jobs or fired. This means you never get to say your side. Non-masons, goyims don't get foods, good assignments, bartending assignment, as many hours, etc.
On that particular day, many high profile Freemasons were attending the party. I mention this because all captains at #Cipriani are masons, including Mel and Roger, and they were on tenterhook and were yelling more than usual. After the main course, we were off the floor. We had very limited time to do the dessert. So, at some point, we were called to put the dessert on the tables. It was a sweep. So, I took two dessert plates on my hands, and Mel was yelling at me to put them on the table. So, I did. I don't know what happened then,  but Mel came toward me furiously and said: "You are stupid, go home". He signed me off, and  I went home.  I didn't get my minimum five hours. To this day, I don't understand why he called me stupid for something he asked me to do. See, if you guys can figure this out. To this day, he hasn't apologized.
Couple of other things about #Cipriani. By law, they are supposed to share ten percent of the tips/gratuity with the waiters. They never do that. #Cipriani lost Rainbow room license because of this. However, at other locations, to bypass this, they used Mel and Roger to create temp companies because temp, freelance waiters don't receive tips. They do not get any medical if they are injured at the job. Another reason for creating this is if Cipriani gets sued only the temp company gets in trouble. If they get in trouble, they lose their license. In this situation, they get Mel and Roger to open another temp company under a different name.
By law, they are supposed to pay for the employees' uniform washing. They have not done it for many years. Only recently they started to do this. Somebody can still  #complain about this at the labor department.

They make captains that are Freemasons, and they are more privileged, even before they become captains. One of the best examples of this is Monty, who was a captain.  He is not a Mason, but he is royal and his family runs Masonic fronts and offshoots. He got all the privileges because of his royal blood. He was given as many as 140 hours of work at Cipriani per week. Most waiters get 40 hours If they are on the A list created by Mel. He got captain's salary $27/hour for nearly ten years because of his royal lineage, this $11 more than regular waiters. Another is one of Roger's girlfriends. She got the captain's salary for many years, but she was never a captain. Someone can complain about them to the #labor_department now because they are STILL giving #freemasons that are hiding as Cipriani worker, like Ricardo Cuevas, more than 40 hours per week, but they are NOT giving it to non-mason waiters. Also, they are lying about it.

Now say, the waiters don't like any of the captains. In this situation, Mel tells his plans to sign a petition against the guy and then tells people some imaginary number of people signed the petition to remove the guy. This creates a sense of democracy and saves the guy from getting fired directly because the can't say to people he got fired because he harassed people all the time. This also hides the involvement of the orchestrator, Mel, of the petition.

All captains, Mel's plants who masquerade as waiters, are telepaths and have remote viewing power. They can read your mind and see where you are anytime, anywhere in the world. This is a #privacy_issue, and they can be sued for this.

They say, Cipriani is "number one" catering company in the industry and has the "best service". They get most parties. This is a lie. The only reason this appears to be true is that Mr.  #Cipriani is a Freemason above official degrees, and Freemasonic plants create fake positive testimonials, and people are fooled by this process. Because of his connection with their offshoots, Cipriani gets most parties and prominent figures appear there. Without the connection, this wouldn't be possible.

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