Saturday, February 25, 2017

Don't Try To Appear Too Perfect When Dating

If you ask a man, what do you do, he's going to say he's a "doctor" even if he's a cab driver, to save his face. When we are faced with situation like that we all try to present ourselves in a way that is "perfect" in the society's eye. In the beginning, everything is magical, both are nice to each other. Then little by little Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde and your dreams are broken. But what if the person tells that he he drives cab and still gets the girl? They wouldn't be heartbroken. The lesson, before you go into a relationship don't try to appear "perfect".  Also you can stop asking the person questions that force him/her to lie.To do this you might want avoid saying things like:
1. I don't do that on a first date.
2. I am a one woman man.
3. I can fuck non stop for the whole night.
4. I am a virgin( for women).
5. I don't watch porn.
6. I am not a bar going person.

Things like that. When a person try to appear too perfect and he/she sounds too perfect, it's not true. They don't think it's manipulation because the society expect us to be perfect and they don't realize they are doing it.They forget the society also expect us to be honest. Little bit of white lies are ok. Trust me there are people who don't try to appear perfect and still date more and not manipulate people.

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