Friday, December 11, 2015

Insecurity Makes You Forget

Insecurity makes you forget how stupid people are or that people have it worse than you. If you are insecure, you are going to forget that the woman is as good or as bad as you are. Insecurity makes you date any woman who has no life, who is in worse shape than you are. It might be that girl don't think you are in bad shape, you yourself think that from the way she behaves with you or even before that. Insecurity makes you think the girl is better than you. Always remember, no matter how pretty the girl is, she's just a human like you. Plus, women don't like the guy who doesn't believe he himself is a catch. Your lifestyle, your body language have to show you think yourself as something big. You have to make that your reality, then she will automatically think you are something big. She thinks what you think, what you convey. 

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