Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Why Men Don't Like Commitment

Men don't like commitment or long term relationship because of the financial burden that comes with it. Not because men are "dogs", not because they like to use women. Women want commitment because if they get out of a relationship their value becomes low because they have sex with another man, not because they love the man. So, if there is no love and if you are going to lose money in a relationship, would you want to stay long in that relationship? Women, put yourselves in men's shoes. Would you be in a relationship for long if you knew you are going to lose money and your lifetime savings and that you are not even going to be loved? The society blames men for not wanting to be in a long term relationship, the people are conditioned to think that men do this because of sexual nature. Men's side are never heard. If you are an honest human, you would tell the truth from now on, or its on your conscious.
Visit my personal website: www.niontron.info.

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