Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Banal Writing About The Atom

The word "atom" in Greek means "indivisible", something that is not divisible. Earlier scientists thought "atom" is the furthest you could go and that is the "elementary particle". Only later scientists discovered that an "atom" is not the most "elementary particle". If you go deeper, in to subatomic level, you get electron, proton, neutron and further down  "up quark", "down quark". Even then, they are not the "elementary particles". Aristotle believed, elements could be  broken down--that it is  ''divisible"-- infinite number of times. The deeper you could go, the more particles you would find. There is no end. His belief holds true to this day. They haven't named all the subatomic particles yet. If you search for "name of subatomic particles" hundreds of name will come up.

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