Friday, September 18, 2015

A Respond To Women Who Say,"No, Means No"

A While ago, I posted this on my Facebook: "When a woman says, she does not want to go out with you, or kiss you or something to that effect by saying, 'My man/bf wouldn't like that.',that doesn't mean, she doesn't want you. That only means, she can't justify in her mind cheating even though she wants to have you." This post was not mean to tell other men that they should go after women when she says "no" or to bother her even after it. What I was trying to do was give the message to men that even when they are "rejected" many times it might not be them. Sometimes it is them, many other times it is not .Lot of women replied by saying,"'No, means no". So, I felt like I should clarify. I posted that because lot of men, after being rejected many times, think that there is something wrong with them, and their ego hurts, and their self esteem takes a toll. So, I was trying to give the message that it might not always be them. And many times when women say that, it is not true.
For men, I am going to try to explain why it is not always you. Women, even if they are not that "attractive", get approached many times a day, since they reach puberty. By some estimates, on average, women get hit on 20 times a day. So, when you approach women, by using the same cheesy "pickup line" that everyone else uses, or by saying "You look very beautiful", it is the same thing they hear all the time. So, this does not seem genuine to them. Another thing is most women fear of being appeared as "whore" or "slut" or "bad girl". So, initially they have to act like they don't want you even if they are attracted to you. As a result, they come up with the excuse that they have a boyfriend. Many times this or responses like this are an automatic response. They have to make it as a habit because they get approached all the time by men same lame way. So, it might be that you are the hundredth guy that approached her the same way which prompted her to respond that way. Or that she was just not trying to appear as a "bad girl". It might have nothing to do with you.
For the women who said "No, means no", most of the men that get laid on a regular basis, and most of the men that got laid, the first thing they hear after approaching is "no". So, "No" doesn't always mean "no", even though many times it does. Are you saying that most of the women who said "no" initially never had sex with any man? If they did, you are lying, PREEMPTIVELY. I wonder why. I will leave it at that.

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