Sunday, September 27, 2015

Why You Should Sometimes Disregard Your Feelings

If feelings get triggered in you, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad depending on the person you have feelings for . That person might bring you pleasure, but treat you badly, might torture you mentally, might be a control freak, might has personality disorder, might depend on you too much, might not let you pursue your dreams. If things are like this with that person, you should disregard your feelings.We don't always stay with the person who we have feelings for. Maybe that person is controlling, bossy; maybe that person is possessive; maybe that person is a kleptomaniac; maybe that person emotionally tortures you; maybe that person don't want to change; maybe that person can't be changed; maybe that person socially harasses you maybe you are not compatible with that person; maybe that person is menacing...well, you get the point. The important thing to remember is you don't always choose who you have feelings for.
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