Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Success Is Not Success

The word "success" is relative. If you take the most "successful" guy who you know personally, if you change the criteria or variables of his"success", he might not look successful at all. Success depends on its variable. On the other hand, if you change  the criteria/variables of an unsuccessful person that you know, and change his variables all of a sudden he might look very successful. Don't we all see people who know nothing or who are not as "successful" as you perceive them, all of a sudden do something that you can't do, like passing an interview that you can't pass or passing a test that you can't pass ? This happens all the time, lesser skilled people get hired just because the interviewers perceive the interviewees wrongly. So, even if a person might be PERCEIVED as a "successful" person, he might actually not be that successful at all. Let me give you an example, I know few doctors who became millionaires, have latest model cars, have big offices that they can rent. Now any average man would think they are "successful". However, if you dig dipper, in this case when I dug deeper, I saw that they give medicaid patients A LOT MORE appointments than  they need by telling them that they need this test and that test. The reason they do this  is because, medicaid money comes to the doctor fast because it is government money. So, their income is actually coming from taxpayer's money. So, if you compare these guys with  a guy who didn't have the chance to do this immoral practice, and label him as an "unsuccessful" person , would that be fair. Unfortunately, these types of doctor has higher social status. Personally to me, there is no person on this planet that is a "failure". It just matter of perception and the variables associated with it. 

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