Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Problem With Our Inquisitive Mind

This thought came to me after reading Dan Brown's latest book ' Origin' . The human mind is always looking for answer, until it can't find an answer it keeps searching for veritable information to lock, register. If it lacks resources or motivation it sorts of makes up one based on the information it has without verifying. This poses a great threat to the veracity of the information. For example, there are few theories to how human being came about to earth: from god's miraculous creation, through direct alien genetic engineering, from monkey to human evolution and panspermia. Depending on your faith, background, you are only going to believe one of these. But only one of these can be true. But we individually reach to one of these conclusions for lack of better data, resource and understanding of scientific matters, knowing that we could be wrong. The answer to this is inconclusive, but we have no problem presenting one of these as a fact. We are always doing this believing in data that only fits our belief, unconsciously. The mind must give shape and form to everything. In doing so it makes up faulty data to fill the gaps.

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