Thursday, May 6, 2010

Start Practicing The Right Things

When most of the people do something,their minds are not completely aware of their doings. They sort of do it automatically. And they deem those to be the right things. That is why when someone else challenges their doings, they sort of can't accept that those are wrong. Maybe those are not wrong in a sense. First, they did it without realizing. Second, what might seem wrong to others, might not always be wrong. There might be lots of others things, such as selfishness, greed etc., for which the other person is trying to prove him wrong. It is good to give people second chances because their minds are not completely aware of their doings.

Why did I start to talk about this? Because every now and then people ask me if they are not completely aware of their doings, after hearing that their minds are not completely aware about their doings, how are they going to fix their behaviors? Very reasonable question.

The reason people always make mistakes is because they always do things on autopilot. Their minds are just doing what they are used to do. If they can practice the things right way, their mind will produce the same results. For example, you will see a stock broker or a stock buyer is always talking about stocks. This means their minds are programmed with the things they do all the time. So, taking the cue from this, we can make our mind do the things that we want to do simply by doing the things again and again. Then our mind will do the things that we want it to do without us being completely aware of them. That is why they say, “Practice makes us perfect.'

You will always notice that the people who all of a sudden start to talk about stocks---or anything else for that matter---don't realize how foreign this matter sounds to other people. But those people don't realize that, and they continue to talk about stocks. This is because that is what their minds are programmed with, so they are not aware of other things. They are not aware why they are talking about stocks and nothing else, even though no one asked them to talk stocks or that is not relevant at that time. These things happens all the time, but we neglect these and don't question these. If we did, we would've already programmed our minds to do the right things. In this is case, to not to talk about stocks even when somebody don't understand stocks.

This is also the reason why our minds don't want to do something new, because it is not programmed to do the new thing. So, from now on practice new things if you think it is important.

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